
  • 2023-06-15
  • John Dowson



  广州亚洲美食节官网和小程序现已上线!可以一键查询活动细节和优惠餐厅信息啦顺德大良特色美食顺德大良特色美食!作为亚洲文明对话大会的重要配套活动,广州亚洲美食节将于5月16日至23日在穗举行桂林美食推荐攻略传统美食分类。美食节将设置5大系列共42项活动,包括打造亚洲美食精品长廊顺德大良特色美食、美食文化展示顺德大良特色美食传统美食分类、美食论坛顺德大良特色美食顺德大良特色美食、文艺展演等桂林美食推荐攻略桂林美食推荐攻略桂林美食推荐攻略传统美食分类传统美食分类。本次广州亚洲美食节以“共享亚洲美食文化,推进文明交流互鉴”为主题桂林美食推荐攻略,口号为“乐享亚洲美食,品味千年花城”桂林美食推荐攻略。The Asian Cuisine Festival · Guangzhou (ACFGZ) will take place in the city from May 16 to 23.

  The official website and WeChat mini program for the upcoming Asian Cuisine Festival · Guangzhou were unveiled Tuesday.

  Over 10,000 deliverymen will offer takeaway services for citizens and tourists during the festival, bringing delicacies to your doorways.

  The Asian culture themed light show made debut on the outer walls of 24 buildings along the Pearl River for testing on May 12. The 240-second animation light show will be screened on the buildings between the Haiyin and Haizhu bridges during the festival. The highlights will include the logo and slogan of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, the mascot and logo of the Guangzhou Asian Cuisine Festival, the scenic spots and symbolic cultural elements of over 20 Asian countries, and so on.


